Bringing pioneering farmers at the 2nd European Carbon Farming Summit

We will be hosting a plenary session at the 2nd European Carbon Farming Summit 🌿
Carbon farming is an innovative business model to finance the transformation of land management systems toward integrated production models that deliver climate, environmental and social benefits. As any other new product or service, the first to embrace such a model will be natural born innovators, to be followed by early adopters. When these two groups will be convinced of the value of the innovation, and only then, the system will be ready for mass adoption.
Following this pattern of diffusion of innovation, it is important that emerging carbon farming markets and schemes pay attention to the specific needs and challenges of innovators and early adopters. This is why, together with Project Credible, we are bringing together pioneering farmers at the 2nd European Carbon Farming Summit in Dublin, Ireland.
🚜 Paving the way towards climate-positive agriculture: The role of innovating farmers 🌍
📅 When? 5 March | 08:30 - 10:00
📍 Where? On-site & online | Watch it livestream:
Session details

🎙 Moderator: Rob Smith is a hugely experienced broadcaster and host, having worked as a journalist and presenter on TV and Radio with the BBC in the UK for over 25 years. He is a passionate advocate for environmental protection, hosting the Talk on the Wild Side podcast that explores how we can balance human needs with sustainable practice.
🌾 Speakers:

🔹 Sheila Darmos (Greece): Sheila Darmos is a third generation farmer and a social entrepreneur in the agri-food sector and civic engagement field in Greece. Her key focuses lie within her lived physical and social environment, namely the farming and rural communities, and thus a systemic approach to enable transitions towards regeneration in a holistic way. Her dedication to soil and ecosystem restoration translates into her dedication to transforming the farming sector in Greece through the initiative "Regenerative Farming Greece".

🔹 Mateusz Ciasnocha (Poland): Mateusz Ciasnocha is a farmer from Poland on the mission of building a farmer-centric bridge between agricultural and climate policy. He lives his call to action through two businesses: the European Carbon Farmers and the Farm of Francesco. Mateusz is an Advisory Board member for the Foundation of the Economy of Francesco, the Laudato Si Action Platform at the Holy See and the EU Soil Mission.

🔹 Iain Tolhurst MBE (UK): Iain Tolhurst has been at the forefront of the UK organic farming movement for almost 50 years. His 8-ha farm has won many awards, for its innovative approach to crop production utilising biodiversity at its heart to develop soil health and fertility. Long term monitoring of carbon and soil has shown the benefits of this system. The integration of crops, a systems approach to pest and disease management and biodiversity makes for a fascinating and durable agricultural system.
📌 Check the full programme:
Join us for this dynamic roundtable and be part of the conversation shaping the future of carbon farming!